Thursday, December 2, 2010


After yesterday's utter failure (you can thank the Christmas tree cakes and the ice cream), this morning I got dressed and mustered up the courage to stare at myself in the mirror. Hello! Has anyone been to Panera? They have the best pumpkin muffins I've ever had in my life. A paper cup full of moist goodness, while the top overflows with it and is covered in powdered sugar and crumblies. It's the best part!! Well, they are fully aware of that fact, so they sell what's called a "muffie," which is just the top of the delicious muffin. (Pumpkin muffin - 530 cals; pumpkin muffie - 270 cals)

Alas, in my moment of reflection, I realized I have a muffie. : )

You would be proud of me, for I have resisted temptation. Oh yes, the bad kind of temptation. It was in the form of a Sonic bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast burrito. A manager at our company brought in breakfast for us (kind of a tradition of Thursday mornings so stand in the gap with me on this) and laid all the burritos out on the counter. I got really close and breathed in the wonderful aroma of saturated fat and artery clogging goodness. I thought about it for a minute, but not until checking out Sonic's Nutrition Guide and discovering that these bad boys contain 450 whopping calories. So, I went with oatmeal and an iced latte.

Today for lunch Daniel and I are going to Subway. I'll have a 6-inch, 9-grain wheat bread black forest ham sandwich with pickles and spinach only. I used a nifty Subway calorie calculator to figure out the total calories. Try it! You can specify each item so you get an accurate count.

I've been convinced to start taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Can you believe that taking the stairs going up and down twice daily can burn 95 calories? Crazy!

Tonight's dinner is Roasted Tilapia, Potatoes, and Lemons. I am the world's worst at buying groceries in mass and then letting half of them go bad, so I suggest stopping by the grocery store and picking up individual items needed for one or two night's dinners.

Today's Total:1137

Oatmeal - 160
Cream (for coffee) - 30
Subway sandwich - 280
Water - 48 oz.
Special K Fruit Crisps - 100
Fudge Shoppe Cookies - 100
Roasted Tilapia, Potatoes, and Lemons -467 (add 93 calories for an extra piece of tilapia)

"Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts. "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."” 
-  Isaiah 35:3-4

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