Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Is there any denying the bond that exists between humans?

The desire to be loved, appreciated and affirmed.

I am such an emotional being. Sure, it takes me on some rides I'd rather sit out but most of the time certain moments leave me in awe of the intricate weave that is life. There are so many dimensions, whether it's family, husband/wife, children, friends, coworkers or the stranger walking down the road. Of course, I know in my soul that God is in the heart of each of these whether they know Him or not.

I've developed a little obsession with reading quotes from inspirational people. I received an amazing bonus from my new job that really hit me in a good way. I wrote thank you cards for each of the five members of the management team, and included a quote that I felt described their work ethic. I got an email back from one of them this morning.


Thanks for the great card. You’re doing an awesome job. Merry Christmas.


At first, it didn't make any sense why it made me tear up or why it got to me. But you know what? I crave affirmation, attention, and appreciation. We all do. I think I need someone to tell me that I am a person worth loving, and a person worth living. I mean that in the most innocent way possible. Just the stripped down truth of it all. 

What is so amazing is this - people aren't perfect at the universal duty of affirming others. But God is. He is a God who created and performed an entire story titled "You're Worth It." He thought we worth it to create us. He thought we were worth it to send His Son to save us. What I realized today is that He even thinks I'm worth putting work into - by sending others into my life to reaffirm his message to me. I want to complete the circle of life-giving reinforcement. 

Daniel - You are an incredible husband. You are so honest and genuine in everything that you do. You love me through all of my imperfections, and as cliche as it sounds, not in spite of them, but because of them. My whole life, I dreamed of having a husband like you. You are so good in so many ways, but you never lessen who I am when I am not as good as I should be.

Angie - You are absolutely amazing. It's evident that you have raised a son who is full of light and goodness. You manage a home, raise boys, lift up your husband, work full time, faithfully serve God - and all the while you are beautiful doing it. Thank you for holding me accountable.

Megan - You are my role model. I have never known someone who is so consistent with their walk with God. I love how you are always mindful of your priorities - making hard decisions because you know it's what you are called to do. We share a special bond - because we both have walked such a similar path - and mine was made easier because I had footprints to follow.  

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

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